Play an audio clip
Data Type
string, required
the serial number of a vssl device
integer, required
the zone number.
integer, required
the volume level to play the audio file (0-99).
string, required
the url where the audio file can be
note: the call will return immediately with either a failure message or an indication that the playback has been requested. It is possible for the playback to fail (e.g. the network can't retrieve the file, the file format is invalid, ...). Further status will be provided in the coming VSSL FW iterations.
note2: if this is the first time a playback has been requested then we will send a command to wake up the unit and wait a few seconds before playing the file. Otherwise, if the last playback was less then 15 minutes ago then we will play the clip immediately.
note3: this call allows you to play a file on 1 or all of the zones. If you want to play to a subset (e.g. zone 1,2) then you will need to make two calls, one for each zone you want to play the file on.
Status of the call
Example Request
Sample HTTP request
Example Response
Last updated
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